How to reduce sugar intake for Better Health?

In today’s world, sugar is lurking in our favorite foods and beverages. While it can make food taste delicious, excessive sugar consumption has been linked to numerous health issues, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, mental health problems, mental fog, being indecisive during to sugar rush etc. Reducing sugar intake is a proactive step towards better health and overall well-being. So, are you someone who want to stop their addiction of sugar? This blog will explore the reasons for reducing sugar intake, the benefits it offers, and practical tips to help you cut down on sugar consumption.

Eating sugar causes obesity

Moving from eating unhealthy amounts of sugar

Filling our mouths with unwanted carbohydrates.

Taking action to build better health

Eating what nature has given us.

Eating healthy

Practical Tips to Reduce Sugar Intake

1. Read the labels of the food you are eating

Most of us are unaware of what is there in the packaged food we are eating. The big brands take great advantage of this weakness. The best strategy these food companies play on is to use complex synonyms of sugar and its form that are made not to be understood by anyone. The purpose of them using these clever tactics is so that they want normal people buying their products to remain unaware. The less aware their buyers will be, the less objections will be put on their garbage branded products. Segment yourself from the rest of the crowd. Be smart and start reading the labels.

Pro tip: If the label of any product has more than 10-15 ingredients, it is probably garbage. Do not buy it. (Check out the below video for some great insights)

2. Choose Whole Foods over the Packaged Food

Start eating the food which nature has given us. Since the days of hunter gatherers we all have been eating what the forests, the jungle, and nature has given us. It is post industrialization that we have shifted to eating packaged food which is not better than poison. Call it the sacrifice of convenience and the curse of our busy lives, we want to eat everything that is easily made. The foods we are eating today are causing us cancer. You will die soon if you do not nourish your body with good, organic, whole foods. Try to go to a nearby farmers market or visit a farmer nearby and buy pesticides-free organic fruits and vegetables.

Pro Tip: We eat 3 times a day, make sure every time you eat your plate looks like a rainbow. The key to having better health is having multi colored fruits and vegetables.

3. Cut Back on Sugary Beverages

Let me break this myth for you all! Any cola, soda, fizzy drink and energy drink you are consuming, have loads of sugar in them, even if it is not labeled anywhere on the can. Here you go, know you know it, are you still going to drink them?

These pizza and coke parties that you have with your friends are making you health deteriorate at massive levels. Are you aware of that? Are you still going to choose such unhealthy eating and drinking habits? CHOOSE WISELY

Ditch the soda
Sugary beverages are filled with sugar

4. Limit Desserts and Sweets

Let us be real here, we all like our cake and donuts and barfi’s and chocolates and sweets. And frankly, it is okay to have all these things once in a while. Understanding that moderation is the key important factor here. But things go out of hand when you can not control yourself or stop yourself after the first bite.

Being the master who can eat whatever and whenever he/she wants and can stop consuming the latter whenever and wherever he/she wants is the place of power and morality. When you become a slave to your desserts, understand you have been bit by the snake of sugar rush and now it is time for some amendments.

The moment when the sugary substances replace your whole meals, it is the red flag that danger is lurking just around the corner and now it is time for you to take charge of your health.

5. Reduce Sugar in Recipes

Cooking is a therapy for a lot of people, including me. If you want better health, cooking on your own is the best way forward. Try your hands on savory recipe’s rather than cooking deserts that often. Even if you are a baker and relish sweet more than savory, try to limit the amount of sugar you put in your food.

Once you start reducing the amount of sugar in your recipes. Your taste buds will adjust over time, and you won’t notice the difference as much.

Mindful eating
reducing sugar and using healthier sugar alternatives while cooking

6. Snack Wisely

Eating in between the meals happen only when are proper meals are not protein-rich and satiating enough to give us the feeling of being satisfied and full. Snacking wisely can significantly aid in reducing sugar intake by choosing healthier, low-sugar alternatives that satisfy hunger and curb cravings. Opting for snacks like whole nuts, seeds, fresh fruits, vegetables with yogurt can provide essential nutrients and sustained energy without the sugar spikes caused by sugary snacks. These healthier options also help stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing the temptation to reach for high-sugar foods. By planning and preparing nutritious snacks, you can avoid the pitfalls of convenience foods laden with added sugars, leading to better overall dietary habits and improved health.

Pro Tip: Prepare your healthy snack bites are home (they are very easy to make) or buy from small brands you really trust.

7. Beware of Condiments and Sauces

The FMCG market is filled with all category of alternatives now-a-days. From what I call the red category (poison for our body), yellow category (a better choice than the red category but still have harmful effects) to the green category (best suited for the nourishment of our body), everything is available. One such category which is majorly overlooked is condiments and sauces which often contain hidden sugars that can significantly contribute to your daily sugar intake without you realizing it. By being mindful and cautious about the types and quantities of condiments and sauces you use, you can reduce your sugar consumption.

Opting for products labeled “no added sugar” or “unsweetened,” or better yet, making your own at home using natural ingredients, can help you cut down on these hidden sugars. This simple change can lower your overall sugar intake.

8. Opting for Natural Sweeteners

Opting for natural sweeteners can significantly aid in reducing sugar intake by providing a healthier alternative to refined sugars without sacrificing sweetness. Natural sweeteners like stevia, and organic raw honey offer a range of benefits that refined sugars lack. These are low-calorie options that do not spike blood sugar levels. Honey and jaggery powder, while containing calories, offer additional nutritional benefits such as antioxidants and minerals, which are absent in refined sugars. By incorporating these natural alternatives into your diet, you can satisfy your sweet tooth while avoiding the adverse health effects associated with high sugar consumption

This mindful switch not only enhances your overall health but also supports a more balanced, nutrient-rich diet, contributing to long-term well-being and sustained energy levels

5 Steps to overcome Sugar Cravings

  1. Identify Triggers, situations and emotions (be it a breakup or periods or nervous eating etc.) which is being the negative catalyst for your indulgence with sugar. Once the root cause is identified, handling the WHY becomes more easy.
  1. Keeping Healthy Snacks on Hand will definitely stop you from falling in the trap of I am hungry, What should I eat?. Remember, making food changes is a mindset game, do not treat yourself like a victim. Be the warrior who has his right equipment’s ready when the cravings will arrive.
  1. Stay Active and Hydrated. Doing some sort of moment and exercise is very important to curb the cravings. Simultaneously, being hydrated enough is equally beneficial to stabilize your body and its overall functioning.
  1. A sleepy human does eat more. Aim to sleep 7-9 hours everyday. It is scientifically proven that when one is slept well, they tend to make healthier food choice.
  1. Have a support system which can encourage you, uplift you and guide you in the moments of weakness. Share your goals with friends or family members and seek their support in reducing sugar intake.

I hope you quit sugar!

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