Water 101: Benefits, Dehydration and how to stay hydrated

Many people ignore water, despite its importance. We all know that hydration is essential for our existence as 60% of our body is made of water but we still take it for granted. Having liquids throughout the day play a central part in lubricating our joints and maintaining the body temperature. Hydration also removes toxins from our body, yet we become ignorant towards it. Isn’t that hypocrisy? Indeed it is.

In this article, we will deep dive into understanding the basics of hydration, why it is important, what dehydration is and what we can do to stay hydrated. The purpose of this article is to make you aware. The aim is to show you the bigger picture so that you can make a more informed choice of prioritization.

Have 4 liters of water everyday, else you will die!

Our bodies depend on fluids to survive. If there was no water, we would have died. Every cell, tissue and organ in our body needs plenty of liquids to function properly. Let us understand in detail why clean drinking water is important and what impact it has on our body?

  • Temperature regulation
    • Water is your savior when it comes to balancing your body’s temperature. When we sweat, water evaporates from our skin which thereby helps in cooling down our bodies high intensity workouts or hot weather.
  • Waste excretion
    • When it comes to removing toxins from our body, our body flushes out waste via urination and defecation. For a healthy bowel movement and proper urination, it is important to have enough mineral water in the body. Kidneys will work well only if you have replenished yourself with sufficient fluids.
  • Lubrication
    • For our joints, tissues and spinal cord to stay intact, fluids is provided as an alternative cushion which protects these organs from wear and tear.
  • Creating Saliva
    • It happens to most of us that when we are dehydrated or thirsty, our mouth tends to get dry. The drier the mouth is, the less will be the production of saliva, more difficult it will be to break food in mouth. This could then lead to indigestion problems.
  • Preventing constipation
    • The most recommended remedy to cure constipation is to have plenty of liquids. In addition to fiber, the amount of water you intake have a direct impact on the bowel moment.
  • Weight Loss
    • Studies have shown that drinking enough fluid throughout the day can significantly help in reducing the extra kilos’. Increasing the liquid intake in the form of detox water, herbal tea, fruits like watermelon, cucumber, etc can help (especially women) in losing weight.
  • Energy Management
    • A dehydrated body lacks energy while a hydrated body have sustained energy levels throughout the day. Feeling sluggish and not able to concentrate are clear symptoms of dehydration.
  • Improved Mood
    • Low levels of H2O in the body could lead to fatigue and confusion which eventually impacts the mood. Thus, in the moments when you feel anxious, it is always good to have a glass of water instead.
  • Clear Skin
    • When the toxins get regularly flushed out from the body, the results are shown on your skin. You will have a cleaner and brighter looking skin if your daily H2O intake is completed.
  • Fighting illnesses
    • Drinking enough liquids can prevent several health problems like kidney stones, digestion issues, urinary tract infections, hypertension etc.

The above stated are a few of the health benefits which drinking from clean sources has on our body. In order to stay healthy, I would suggest you to raise a glass of water and drink it as you read this article further.

“Water is the only drink of a wise man

Henry David Thoreau

What is Dehydration and what are its symptoms?

Dehydration is a condition when the body loses more fluids than it takes in, leaving the body vulnerable and weak to carry the necessary bodily functions. In other words, it is a state where the fluid intake does not match with the fluids being drained out or vaporized from the body. This imbalance leads to a cascading effects which disrupt the overall well-being. The signs of a dehydrated body are:

Fatigue and Dizziness

Dehydrated body has less energy and is often sluggish and tired. This usually happens due to changing blood pressure.


If you are having continuous headaches throughout the day, it is a clear indication that you are dehydrated.

Dry Mouth

A simple way to check if you are hydrated or not is to check your mouth. If you do not have enough saliva, this assures the fact that your body is dehydrated.

Reduced Urine Output

Reduced amount of urine is the direct indication that your body is not flushing out toxins and this opens the gate to innumerable illnesses.

Muscle Cramps

If you are having cramps in your legs and you can not find any reason for it, blame it on poor hydration. Tip for women: Have more water during periods.

Disturbed Sleep

Dehydration reduces the amount of blood reaching to your heart. These fluctuations in the blood pressure and oxygen supply thereby have a direct impact on the sleep quality

Tips for Staying Hydrated

  • Start your day with a beverage. The first thing you should do in the morning is to have 1 liter of water. Liquid in the morning could be consumed in different variations. You can consume fluids in the form of herbal tea or green tea or spiced tea. Make it a ritual to start your day with plenty amounts of fluids.
  • Set reminders during the day to remind yourself that you need to have some fluids. You can also set alarms or you can use an app for this purpose
  • Always carry a water bottle with yourself. Inculcating this habit will let you have the freedom to drink when you feel thirsty.
  • Include multiple sources of fluids in your diet in form of fruits and vegetables. Have watermelon, cucumber, grapes, oranges, coconut water throughout the day. Make this path of yours more fun and spicy.
  • Monitor your urine color. Whenever the urine color turns yellowish, it is a clear indication that you are dehydrated. Have some fluids right then.
  • Challenge yourself and set goals for yourself. Take the 21 day challenge where you have at least 3 liters of healthy hydration everyday for 21 days.
  • Include your friends in challenges like these to make this journey more fun and engaging.
  • Soups and broths are a perfect way to include water in your daily routine. They have high liquid content which will not only make you feel hydrated but is also good for your body.
  • Limit caffeinated drinks as they will make you feel more dehydrated.
  • Keep yourself hydrated.

Throughout the blog we have explored the importance of staying hydrated and highlighted its role in the overall functioning of body. The key takeaway is clear, “water is not just a beverage”, it is far more than that. Having a hydrated body is a journey. It is a process where you learn how much hydration is sufficient for your body. Over gulping of bottled water could lead to bloating whereas consuming less quantity could cause dehydration. Finding the balance of the right amount of liquid intake is important. So my friend, it is never too late to cultivate a healthy habit. Start now.

In the end my dear readers, raise your glasses and have something to drink. Remember, you are not merely hydrating yourself, you are thriving through water’s dancing tunes.

STAY HYDRATED and let us connect on social media handles

Frequently Asked Questions
Question1) Does drinking a lot of water help you reduce weight?

Answer: Drinking water helps in weight loss as when your stomach is filled with water, you will engage less with food. Staying hydrated helps in appetite control which thereby leads to weight reduction.

Question2) How much water should be consumed daily?

Answer: A minimum of 3 liters of water which constitutes to about 8-10 glasses of water should be consumed everyday.

Question3) Is drinking cold water better than having warm water?

Answer: There are not any significant benefits of consuming cold water over warm water. Choose the temperature of water as per your preference.

Question4) Is it bad to drink too much water?

Answer: Yes, drinking too much water too fast can lead to feeling bloated. The right way is to have continuous amounts of water throughout the water

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