Silent Killers: How Sugar and Salt Are Slowly Destroying Us

Human beings thrive on food. It becomes worth mentioning that whatever we eat needs to be tasty. Let’s be real here, nobody likes bland food. Thus, sprinkling a dash of extra salt or indulging in a favorite dessert with sugar seems rational. Isn’t it?

It is far off from anything rational. The blend of sugar and salt in our daily food is causing havoc in our bodies. The main reason why our body decays with age is due to the consumption of this additive blend of salt and sugar. These elements which seem to enhance our flavour pallet, are shutting down our bodies over time, just like a poison! In this article, we will understand in detail how excess consumption of salt and sugar is affecting our bodies and what we can do to stop this decay.

The Sugar Rollercoaster

Sugar Rush or Sugar Crash?

We all have been there where we cannot resist eating a fluffy cake or a gooey chocolate chip cookie. There are situations when we negotiate with our cravings by saying that we will just take a bite for a taste. But we all know; it is a lie. Not only we cannot stop ourselves after that one bite, it also sends us on this loop of craving for more sugar. Thereby, we end up eating both the cake and the cookie. Is this habit healthy? No! The sugar rush we feel for a short period causes imbalances in our bodies.

Weight GainDiabetesEnergy Crashes
Tooth DecayInflammatory ProblemsSkin issues
Heart DiseasesFaster AgingMood Swings
The pleasure hormone that gets satisfied by our indulgence with sugary items causes many long-term problems as stated above.

The Hidden Culprits

Sugar (to mention the obvious) is present in desserts, chocolates, cookies, etc. In addition to these, there are many other food items where sugar is hidden and those are:

  • Ketchup
  • Salad Dressings
  • Packaged Food
  • Breads
  • Beverages
  • Soda’s

A lot of the items that we consume today have sugar no matter you get the sugary taste or not. So remember next time, no matter how appetizing the cake or your morning coffee is, do not even take a sniff out of it unless you are sure it does not have sugar.

Substitutes for sugar

White sugar and artificial sweeteners are the main culprits as these are added to almost everything and are extremely harmful to the body. But let me give you a sigh of relief here, there are substitutes you can indulge with (in moderation) if you want to eat sugar and those are:

  • Date Sugar
  • Vanilla Sugar
  • Jaggery
  • Organic Sugar
  • Natural Sweeteners

Salt: friend or foe?

sugar impacts the overall health
Discover the impact of sugar and salt snacks on your diet and health. Learn how sugar consumption affects your well-being and find tips for healthier eating habits.

Salt and sugar look the same, be careful who you trust

– Unknown

Salt, our trusted flavor enhancer, plays the dual role of a hero and a villain for our bodies, just like a movie. On one side the body must maintain its fluid balance, nutrition absorption, waste disposal, and muscle functioning while on the other side, excessive intake can cause problems many long-term problems

Consequences of having too much salt?

Consuming too much salt in the body can de-regulate the entire body and the major problems it causes are:

  • Fluctuating Blood Pressure
    • Too much consumption of sodium (the main component of salt) can raise blood pressure which could increase the risk of heart disease and stroke
  • Kidney Disturbances
    • A healthy balance of electrolytes needs to be maintained in the body for it to work properly which is thereby hindered by too much salt
  • Fluid Retention
    • When excessive amounts of salt are present, the body starts holding onto more water which could cause puffiness

Exploring flavorful alternatives

Herbs and SpicesSea Salt
Roasted vegetables like garlicAcidity Boosters like lime and vinegar
While salt remains important in small quantities, some alternatives to add a pinch of flavor are listed above.

Fighting back for your Health

having optimum amount of food. managing the sugar and salt intakes

We need to start taking our health seriously. Let us just stop giving in on our first temptations and choose to live a more enriched life. Eating healthy food and living a healthy life should be our collective goal. Some daily practices can be set to kickstart our efforts and those are:

  • Becoming a label detective
    • Eat the labels. I can not stop stressing on this point that it is essential for us to know what we are putting in our mouths. You need to be aware of which items have been added to the food you are going to eat. This is the best practice you can inculcate from a long-term perspective.
  • Cook at more
    • Cooking is like a therapy and when you start cooking for yourself, it will be much more satisfactory. In addition, when you are in charge, you have control over what goes into your meal and you will make good choices for your selves.
  • Snack Smarter
    • Binging on the palm-oil filled packaged snacks are not doing any good to your body. Stop eating those and make better sustainable dietary changes. Ditch the sugary snacks and choose nuts, fruits etc. You could also cook some easy snacks for yourself at home.
  • Balanced diet and Portion Control
    • Be mindful of what you are eating. Indulge into the habit of conscious eating and listening to your body. Your body is very smart and will indicate to you how much food is enough. Listen to the whispers of your own body and eat till you are satisfied, not full.
  • Drink up
    • Binging on the palm-oil-filled packaged snacks is not doing any good to your body. Stop eating those and make better sustainable dietary changes. Ditch the sugary snacks and choose nuts, fruits, etc. You could also cook some easy snacks for yourself at home.
  • Opt for Natural Sweeteners
    • Include whole fruits and natural alternatives like organic sugars or jaggery, honey. These provide the sugary element with additional nutritional benefits and hardly any side effects to your body.
Break Free: Reclaim Your Health from the Grasp of Sugar and Salt

“Life is too short for bland food, but it’s also too precious to sacrifice for a sugar rush or a salty binge

Remember, to live a healthier and happier life, you will have to switch to healthier alternatives. Small changes add up. Make smart choices and be mindful of how much sugar and salt you are consuming. Eat in moderation and make long-term sustainable dietary changes.

Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How much amount of salt and sugar is recommended to be consumed daily?

The American Heart Association recommends consuming less than 2300mg of sodium and approximately 120 calories per day of added sugar for a healthy adult.

2. Does eating too much sugar cause skin problems?

Yes, consuming too much sugar can cause skin problems like acne, breakouts, and other skin issues.

3. How can I tell if I’m eating too much salt?

If you are constantly feeling bloated or have puffiness in your body, this is a sign that you are consuming too much salt. In addition, having constant headaches is also a sign that you are eating too much salt.

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