Inner Struggles – How body image issues are destroying your mind

It is high time now that we start talking about the body consciousness and body image issues, we all have been facing for ages. Moreover, it is not only the women who have been the victims of this soul-sucking issue. Conversely, men too have been equally affected. Both genders have had their fair share of issues when it comes to body image. We feel that we are so deep into this self-inflicting marsh that only a miracle can help us now. But let me help you a little, the magic you are looking for is “WITHIN YOU”

Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who’s the ugliest of them all?

These are the harsh words that most of us have been using for our own selves time after time. Standing in front of the mirror, dissecting every flaw in our bodies, and stabbing ourselves with harsh knife-like comments. Do we need any enemy to kill us? No. Possibly, we are enough to make ourselves feel belittled.

dealing with body image issues

We need to understand that the habit of not being comfortable in our bodies, isn’t just a personality trait, it is a full-blown mental-health crisis. Let us understand this critical problem with an example. For example, there’s a bucket which is broken from beneath and you try to fill water in it. No matter what you do, until you repair the bottom of the bucket, water won’t stay in the bucket. Similarly, no matter how hard you try to change the “so-called” flawed body of yours, there won’t be any results. You will have to love every bit of how you look, only then your body will start transforming itself within out and not any other way around.

The Clash of Perceptions: How Negative Body Image Devastates Mental Health

Let me bring a sigh of relief by saying that it is not completely your fault that you feel insecure in your own body. Social media is filled with picture-perfect models having size zero bodies which brims some jealousy within. It is okay to feel jealous but the line is crossed when the jealousy turns ugly. Things go out of hand when there is nothing at all you appreciate about your body. Henceforth, a war is initiated between the mind and body which thereby affects the overall well-being. There is a drastic link between how you feel about yourself and how the mind develops. This link could be explained further as:

The Comparison Loop

People have the habit of following celebrities to see what’s trending and are taken in awe by their air-brushed photos. A moment later, they start having the thoughts that these celeb bodies look so beautiful and yours is not. Then, in a matter of time, the self-demeaning cycle sucks you in. In the end, what you are left feeling is that “you are less than others”. This negative signal goes to your mind and over time, your mind starts pointing out flaws in the body causing dissatisfaction. This cycle never ends, until you push the brakes on the thought process of your mind.

The Anxiety Loop

Lack of confidence and doubts related to body image always breed anxiety which can be easily triggered. Also, when you are not comfortable in your own body, any subtle comment from a friend, relative or stranger can elevate the overthinking and anxiety loop

The Depression Loop

Constantly feeling that something is “wrong” with your body has an impact on confidence and self-esteem. This negativity produces feelings of inadequacy, suffocation, and hopefulness. In chronic cases, it may also lead to depression.

The Eating Disorder Loop

People tend to binge on food when they are sad or not feeling good, which results in gaining more weight and leads to more body issues. This becomes a deadly loop that could be difficult to snap out of. The opposite is also true. Some people become so tired of their bodies that they stop eating anything at all. Both sides of this story are scary and difficult to handle.

Reclaim Your Life: Confronting Body Image Issues and Mental Health Struggles

Healing through self-acceptance and mindfulness.

Body Positivity to the Rescue – All bodies are perfect

The brighter picture here is that you can help yourself and live a better life. You can have a fuller, happier life where you celebrate your body with the flaws it has. This could be achieved by adopting some core values and those are:

  • Acceptance
    • Embracing your body and celebrating its unique features.
  • Self-Love
    • Being compassionate towards your self, just like you would be for a friend.
  • Being Healthy
    • Losing weight or fitting in a particular size should not be your goal. Detoxify your body with fasting methods or consuming coffee. The focus should be on living a healthy, illness-free life.
  • Building Confidence
    • Being comfortable in what you wear and appreciating your own body.
  • Prioritizing Well-Being
    • Paying more attention to achieve a state of physical, mental and emotional well-being. Putting your wellness first.
  • Challenging the norms
    • There is no one size fits all. Question the unrealistic beauty status quo.

Remember: Body Positivity is a journey. It will take time to reach to a level where you feel good about yourself and your body. But this day will definitely come and for that you need to set in place some fixed practices.

Rebuild Your Wellness and Health: Self-Care in Action

You must begin to love the way your body looks and the following are some actionable tips you can use to boost your body confidence.

 Embracing Self-Love and dealing with body image issues
  • Listen to your body. If your body is asking to take a pause, just take some sleep and relax
  • Do what you love doing. This will uplift your overall mood and mental well-being
  • Journal your thoughts and build the practice of writing a diary daily. The act of writing “Dear Diary….” is cathartic
  • Move your body a little every day. Go for a walk, do some exercise or yoga or whatever suits you
  • Spare some time to meditate. This practice allows you to calm the noise and voice in your mind
  • Try to read some books that are motivational and informational

In addition to the tips stated above, some other ways to cultivate body positivity are:

  • Silence the inner Critic. Challenge your negative thoughts. Befriend your mind and your body.
  • Treat yourself with Kindness. Show compassion to yourself. Be sensitive in what words you choose to say to yourself
  • Unfollow the unrealistic picture social media is posing in front of you. It does not add any value to your life
  • Find your people, find your tribe. Surround yourself with the right friends who support you and empower you
  • Treat yourself like Royalty. Pamper yourself with good food and enjoy this life you are given.
  • Stop Punishing yourself. You have not any mistake for which you are traumatizing your mind and body. Stop it now

Body positivity is not a blind notion of self-love where you ignore to take care of the body. It is a notion of acceptance and growing along with it. On one side you embrace your flaws but on the other hand are working actively to represent a better body image and be a better version of yourself. Love yourself, and keep working.

Frequently Asked Questions:
  1. What is Body Image?
    • It is a concept which explains how you see yourself physically. Do you think that you are attractive and if not, it takes a toll on your mental well-being. Negative body image can lead to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and eating disorders
  2. How can self-care help in improving body image?
    • Self-care is a practice regime where you pamper and prioritize yourself. This shifts the focus from appearance to overall health and produces good results.
  3. When should I seek professional help for body image issues?
    • The clear indication of visiting a therapist or a professional is when body image issues start dominating your life. The moment these thoughts impact your relationships, you need to seek help.

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